Site Assessment

Your daily routines and facility may be giving potential intruders access to your facility.
freestate safety training assessment

Site Assessment

Your daily routines and facility may be giving potential intruders access to your facility. Take the proactive steps to prevent yourself from being an easy target.

This on site safety consultation helps you identify and resolve any weaknesses in your physical security or blind spots in your daily activities that make you more vulnerable to those who mean to do harm.

Our Safety Consultants look at your facility from both an intruder and life saver’s perspective. Then offer recommendations to help keep your team safe and secure, letting you know if additional steps should be taken.

    • Understand potential threats to your facility and identify vulnerabilities.
    • Receive and implement tailored recommendations based on your unique needs.

Don’t wait… Schedule your site assessment today to help secure what you value most!

Old habits die hard. Don’t let your bad habits harm you, your team, family, or business.

Location: Course May be held on site or in our facilities

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