What to Do After a Carjacking: A Guide to Recovery and Response

One moment you’re driving, the next, you’re watching your car being driven away by someone else. A carjacking can leave you feeling vulnerable and shaken. Here’s how to regain control and start putting the pieces back together.

Seeking Immediate Help and Medical Attention

The first moments after a carjacking are crucial:

  • Safety First: Ensure you are in a safe location away from further harm.
  • Medical Attention: Even if you don’t see any obvious injuries, shock and internal injuries are possibilities. It’s important to get checked by a professional as soon as possible.

Getting medical help immediately is vital, not only for your physical well-being but also for documenting your state after the incident. This documentation can be crucial for insurance claims and legal actions.

Documenting and Reporting the Carjacking Incident

Once you’re safe, it’s important to document everything:

  • Time and Place: Write down the exact time and location of the carjacking.
  • Description: Try to recall as much as you can about the carjacker and the event.

Report the incident to the police as soon as you can. A prompt report increases the chances of recovering your vehicle and helps the police catch the carjacker.

Working with Law Enforcement and Insurance Companies

  • Police Report: Obtain a copy of the police report for your records. This will be necessary for insurance claims.
  • Insurance Claim: Contact your insurance company to report the carjacking. Provide them with the police report and any other documentation you have.

Navigating your interactions with law enforcement and insurance companies can feel overwhelming. Remember, these professionals are there to help you recover from this incident. Keep all correspondence organized and follow up regularly.

Coping with Trauma and Managing Emotional Fallout After a Carjacking

Being carjacked can be a traumatic experience:

  • Seek Support: Talk to a counselor or therapist who can help you work through your feelings.
  • Community Support: Engage with community support groups where others share similar experiences and coping strategies.

It’s important to acknowledge and address the emotional impact of such a violent incident. Ignoring your feelings doesn’t help in long-term recovery and can lead to more severe emotional issues.

Addressing the Financial, Legal, and Practical Consequences of a Carjacking

A carjacking can have various long-term effects:

  • Financial: You may face increased insurance premiums or the need to replace stolen items.
  • Legal: Stay informed about the legal process if the carjacker is caught.
  • Practical: Consider enhancing security measures for your vehicle or changing your routine to reduce future risks.

Dealing with these consequences requires a proactive approach. Take it one step at a time and seek advice from professionals when needed.


Though the aftermath of a carjacking can be daunting, remember that recovery is possible. By taking the right steps to care for your physical and emotional health, report the incident effectively, and handle the practical consequences, you can overcome the challenges posed by this traumatic event.


  1. Be Proactive: Immediately seek help and report the incident. Don’t delay in getting the support and professional assistance you need.
  2. Stay Informed and Supported: Keep yourself informed about the progress of your case and engage with community or professional support to manage the emotional fallout.


Refuse to be a Victim… For more information and help to protect what YOU value most, check out our inspiring courses at FreeState Safety Training.  Including this one on Carjacking Survival.

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